Le point de vue de Pascal Boniface
Michel Pautot, docteur en droit, avocat au barreau de Marseille, conseille et assiste des sportifs de renom et des structures sportives. Il intervient au Master II Droit du sport à l’Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. Il répond aux questions de Pascal Boniface à l’occasion de la parution de son ouvrage...
The GCC, Qatar/Saudi Relations and the Future Outlook for Sport
Interview with Dr Andrea Krieg, Lecturer at the Kings College (London, UK), and Dr Kristian Ulrichsen from th Rice University (US), led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school interviews Dr Andrea Krieg, Lecturer at the Kings College (London, UK), and Dr Kristian Ulrichsen from th Rice University (US).
GeoSport, created by IRIS and EM Lyon, is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link of these areas to...
World Cup the Winner in GCC Denouement Though Questions for Sport Remain
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
  Saudi Arabia and Qatar have finally made-up, after almost four years of sometimes bitter diplomatic feuding. Many in sport will consequently be breathing a sigh of relief, not least FIFA (with the World Cup looming) which now will not have to contend with the implications of travel blockades, vicious...
A play-by-play of sports and climate change
Interview with Madeleine Orr, Founder and Co-Director of The Sport Ecology Group, and Brian McCullough, Co-Director of the Sport Ecology Group, led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
Interview with Madeleine Orr, Founder and Co-Director of The Sport Ecology Group, and Brian McCullough, Co-Director of the Sport Ecology Group, led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
GeoSport, created by IRIS and EM Lyon, is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link of these areas to...
Sports diplomacy, small nations and the case of Wales
Interview with Gavin Price, an independent expert at Bond University (Australia) focused on sports diplomacy and intercultural relations, led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
Interview with Gavin Price, an independent expert at Bond University (Australia) focused on sports diplomacy and intercultural relations, led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
GeoSport, created by IRIS and EM Lyon, is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link of these areas to...
Netflix and Nations prompt surge in football club acquisitions
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
This may have been the year of Covid-19 and its brutal consequences, but the virus does not appear to have disrupted one area of activity: football club takeover deals. Indeed, although many clubs and governing bodies across the world have grappled with an absence of fans and ticket revenues, some...
How Antoine Griezmann is jumping into geopolitics
Interview with Simon Chadwick, Professor & Director of Eurasian Sport at emlyon, led by Carole Gomez, Senior Research fellow at IRIS
Interview with Simon Chadwick, Professor & Director of Eurasian Sport at emlyon, led by Carole Gomez, Senior Research fellow at IRIS
GeoSport, created by IRIS and EM Lyon, is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link of these areas to...
L’image des 22 joueurs du Paris Saint Germain et du Basaksehir d’Istanbul a fait le tour du monde et la une de nombreux journaux. La mobilisation de ces joueurs contre le racisme témoigne du rôle politique et social de plus en plus important des sportifs et institutions sportives en général,...
Gulf countries controversially line-up on F1’s grid in race towards a post-oil future
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
The first in a series of F1 Grand Prix races takes place in the Gulf region this week, starting with a double-header of races being staged in Bahrain. Afterwards, the championship heads to Abu Dhabi for the season finale, which will conclude what has surely been the sport’s strangest season...
Diego Maradona était le symbole de la rencontre du football et de la géopolitique. De la victoire de l’Argentine contre le Royaume-Uni lors de la coupe du monde de 1986 à sa proximité avec Fidel Castro ou Hugo Chavez, retour sur la vie et la carrière « du gamin en or »,...