Passing on the Torch: Grassroots Opposition to Olympic Bids through the case of No Boston Olympics 2021
Interview with Chris Dempsey, co-Founder of No Boston Olympics, co-Author of No Boston Olympics: How and Why Smart Cities Are Passing on the Torch. Conducted by Estelle Brun, Research Associate at IRIS
Sport-Tech Diplomacy: The Case of Israel
By Dr. Yoav Dubinsky, Instructor of Sports Business in the Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon
By Dr. Yoav Dubinsky, Instructor of Sports Business in the Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon
Since the 1967 Six Days War, in which Israel tripled its size including occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the image of the country has significantly deteriorated. After Israel’s independence in 1948, the country enjoyed a positive reputation of being framed as “David” – an unlikely story of a...
By Anton Klischewski, founder of the Project PRESFUL, Sports & Sustainability Consultant for the initiative ‘Sport Trades Fair’ and the Berlin-based football club ‘FC Internationale 1980’
  A hat trick in ice hockey, when a player scores three goals in a single game, culminates in the National Hockey League with fans throwing hats onto the ice from the stands. Another sort of hat trick occurred between 15 and 17 January 2021 and included the following sponsors...
As Cold as Ice: about the Relationship between Sport, Human Rights and Economic Considerations in Belarus
By Anton Klischewski, founder of the Project PRESFUL, Sports & Sustainability Consultant for the initiative ‘Sport Trades Fair’ and the Berlin-based football club ‘FC Internationale 1980’
La décennie 2010 a marqué un tournant majeur dans le développement du sport au féminin. Mais alors que le développement de la féminisation repose sur la pratique sportive et sur sa médiatisation, le sport au féminin s’est trouvé, depuis un an, lourdement affecté par le contexte de la pandémie. Privées...
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
When Argentinian player Carlos Tevez signed for Chinese Super League club Shanghai Shenhua at the end of 2016, it marked perhaps the most significant episode in what, at the time, seemed to be a booming market for football. Tevez’s salary (reportedly worth upwards of euro €670,000 per week) has become...
China’s Championing of Football makes State led U-Turn for home
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
By Dr. Seungbum Lee, Professor in the Department of Management of the College of Business Administration at the University of Akron, Fellow for the China Soccer Observatory (CSO) of Asia Research Institute at University of Nottingham
While not pigeonholing a scientific definition, the term of geopolitics has not been unfamiliar to Koreans. This is due to South Korea’s geographic location with neighbouring China, Japan, Russia, North Korea, and the decades of a close economic, political, and military relationship with the United States within the Korean peninsula....
Korean esports ecosystem and its practical implications from a geopolitical framework
By Dr. Seungbum Lee, Professor in the Department of Management of the College of Business Administration at the University of Akron, Fellow for the China Soccer Observatory (CSO) of Asia Research Institute at University of Nottingham
Interview with Jules Boykoff, author of four books on the Olympic Games, conducted by Estelle E. Brun, research associate at IRIS
Interview with Jules Boykoff, author of four books on the Olympic Games, most recently NOlympians: Inside the Fight Against Capitalist Mega-Sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Beyond (Fernwood 2020) and Power Games: A Political History of the Olympics (Verso 2016). His work has appeared in academic journals like the International Review for the Sociology of...
The Olympic Games during Covid-19: What is at stake for Toyko?
Interview with Jules Boykoff, author of four books on the Olympic Games, conducted by Estelle E. Brun, research associate at IRIS
Sportokratura : une géopolitique du sport russe sous Vladimir Poutine
Entretien avec Lukas Aubin, docteur en études slaves contemporaines, spécialiste de la géopolitique de la Russie et du sport, par Carole Gomez, directrice de recherche à l'IRIS
Carole Gomez, directrice de recherche à l’IRIS, s’entretient avec Lukas Aubin, docteur en études slaves contemporaines, spécialiste de la géopolitique de la Russie et du sport, pour l’Observatoire géostratégique du sport.
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
During a UEFA Champions League match in 2013, Greenpeace activists unfurled a large banner from a stadium roof to reveal to the statement ‘Don’t Foul the Arctic’. This was in response to Russian oil and gas corporation Gazprom engaging in high risk oil exploration in one of the world’s most...
Gazprom and its sponsorship of football. From sex without a condom to major strategic threat
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
Athlete activism faces stress test amid claims of sport washing
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
By Prof. Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon
Two of the world’s best male footballers, Juventus’ Cristiano Ronaldo and FC Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, have both reportedly turned down recent approaches from Saudi Arabia to take part in the country’s latest tourism. With the government in Riyadh having embarked upon a multi-billion dollar investment programme, tourism and sport are...
Le monde du sport fait partie des nombreux domaines touchés de plein fouet par la crise du Covid-19. Au-delà des compétitions en elles-mêmes, nombreuses sont les conséquences aussi bien pour les États et leur diplomatie sportive, que pour l’égalité entre athlètes. Entretien avec Estelle Brun, chargée de recherche à l’IRIS....
Sport : comment le Covid-19 a-t-il impacté sa dimension géopolitique ?
par Estelle E. Brun, chargée de recherche à l'IRIS
TES-D : A New Erasmus+ Sport Project for the Development of a Sport Diplomacy for the European Union
Sport, “a powerful change agent”: an interview with Richard Lapchick
Interview with Richard Lapchick, founder and director of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES), human rights activist, pioneer for racial equality internationally recognized expert on sports issues, scholar and author. Conducted by Estelle E. Brun, Research Associate at IRIS.
Interview with Richard Lapchick, founder and director of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES), human rights activist, pioneer for racial equality internationally recognized expert on sports issues, scholar and author. Conducted by Estelle E. Brun, Research Associate at IRIS.
Sport amidst US elections Sport is often imagined as a means to unify and foster a common sense of belonging. Whereas modern presidents of the United States had traditionally used sports to appeal to a wide, bipartisan public in an attempt to unify Americans, Donald Trump deliberately politicised sport to...