Manchester City vs PSG: A Geopolitical Game?
Interview with Raphaël Le Magoariec, PhD candidate, geopolitologist within the Arab and Mediterranean World Team (EMAM) at the University of Tours. Conducted by Carole Gomez, Senior Research Fellow
Interview with Raphaël Le Magoariec, PhD candidate, geopolitologist within the Arab and Mediterranean World Team (EMAM) at the University of Tours. Conducted by Carole Gomez, Senior Research Fellow
Interview with Raphaël Le Magoariec, PhD candidate, geopolitologist within the Arab and Mediterranean World Team (EMAM) at the University of Tours; Middle Eastern specialist, his work focuses on the societies of the Arabian Peninsula and sport, he is interested in the geopolitical depth of sport in this region, his research...
Si l’obtention des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Paris en 2024 est dans tous les esprits et constitue indéniablement un jalon essentiel du sport power français, il convient d’adopter une approche plus globale et de dépasser ce seul événement, aussi important soit-il. Comment peut-on aujourd’hui définir la diplomatie sportive française, face à ses...
Quelle place pour les femmes au sein des instances dirigeantes sportives ?
Entretien avec Annabelle Caprais, docteure en sociologie du sport, réalisé par Carole Gomez, directrice de recherche à l'IRIS.
Interview with Arianna Crisicione, Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper and Women's Sponsorship Manager, Ambassador for Football4Climate, led by Estelle Brun, Research Associate at IRIS.
GeoSport, created by IRIS and EM Lyon, is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link of these areas to...
Nearly 20% of people in sports confronted with (in)direct match-fixing proposals
FC Barcelona, from Global to Local. Challenges Ahead?
Interview with Xavier Ginesta, Lecturer in Sport Marketing and Communication at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
Interview with Xavier Ginesta, Lecturer in Sport Marketing and Communication at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
GeoSport, created by IRIS and EM Lyon, is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link of these areas to...
Organiser la diplomatie sportive française de Tokyo 2020 à Paris 2024
Entretien avec Philippe Setton, Ambassadeur de France au Japon. Réalisé par Estelle Brun, chargée de recherche à l'IRIS
Globalised Sport: The Challenges of Governance
by Estelle E. Brun, Research Associate at IRIS
In March 2021, the Institute of International ad Strategic Affairs (IRIS) published a report entitled “Sport mondialisé : les défis de la gouvernance”, co-authored with Carole Gomez and Pascal Boniface. The article below is an English translation of the paper’s executive summary. Since the end of the 20th century, globalised...
Est-ce que ces actions sont utiles ? « Je considère qu’elles sont relativement efficaces puisque cela permet d’attirer l’attention sur la situation. Il y avait eu des enquêtes publiées il y a quelques années sur la situation des droits humains et notamment des droits des salariés sur les chantiers au Qatar...
Soft Power Songs: PSG, Rap and the State of Qatar
By Professor Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon, and Dr Paul Widdop, Associate Professor of Sport at Manchester Metropolitan University
By Professor Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EMlyon, and Dr Paul Widdop, Associate Professor of Sport at Manchester Metropolitan University
The last time Glastonbury took place, in pre-pandemic 2019, a highlight of the music festival was the appearance of British rapper Dave on the ‘Other Stage’. During his performance, he beckoned a fifteen-year old onto the stage to join him in a rendition of what remains Dave’s best-known track –...
Sport mondialisé : les défis de la gouvernance
Interview de Carole Gomez - Caviar Magazine
Dans une étude publiée le 23 février, The Guardian fait état de 6500 travailleurs immigrés morts sur les chantiers de la Coupe du monde. Le Qatar semble pourtant minimiser ces chiffres, quel bilan peut-on en tirer du point de vue du non-respect des droits de l’homme ? Il y a...
Qatar and the FIFA World Cup 2022: Why is the event controversial?
Interview with Danyel Reiche, Visiting Associate Professor at Georgetown University Qatar, led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
Interview with Danyel Reiche, Visiting Associate Professor at Georgetown University Qatar, led by Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
 GeoSport, created by IRIS and EM Lyon, is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link of these areas...
Dubai Tennis Championships: Where Sports & Politics Collide
A Baseline Media video in partnership with GeoSport. Tennis in Dubai has risen almost as quickly as the skyscrapers that characterise this city state. Indeed, the sport has become inevitably and inextricably linked with business, politics and socio-cultural developments. Yet some question the motives underpinning Dubai's investment in sport and what this means for tennis. In this film, Simon Chadwick examines who and what is being served-up by the world's biggest racquet sport.
Passing on the Torch: Grassroots Opposition to Olympic Bids through the case of No Boston Olympics 2021
Interview with Chris Dempsey, co-Founder of No Boston Olympics, co-Author of No Boston Olympics: How and Why Smart Cities Are Passing on the Torch. Conducted by Estelle Brun, Research Associate at IRIS