In the 2003 film ‘Lost in Translation’, Bob Harris (played by Bill Murray) travels to Tokyo to record a television commercial for a whiskey brand. Murray finds the recording of this advert a bemusing experience, though it is merely one such episode in a series of misunderstandings and cultural juxtapositions...
L’Euro 2021 de football débute ce vendredi 11 juin, un moment incontournable de partage et de retrouvailles, bienvenue après une période de pandémie. Cet événement visionné aux quatre coins du monde rassemble parmi les meilleures équipes mondiales et sera évidemment un grand moment footballistique. Comme tout évènement sportif international, il...
Le samedi 29 mai, le titre de la plus prestigieuse des compétitions européennes de football reviendra à un club britannique. Comme il y a deux ans, la finale de la Ligue des champions mettra en effet aux prises deux équipes d’outre-Manche : Liverpool et Tottenham Hotspur hier, Chelsea et Manchester...
For the second time in three years, the UEFA Champions League Final (which is about to be staged in Portugal) will again be contested between two English clubs. As in 2019, this is another North-South battle, this time with Manchester City taking on London’s Chelsea. Previously, the capital city’s Tottenham...
Whether or not he actually existed, it seems unlikely that Ned Ludd would have been a football fan, although his rumoured existence led to violence in cities across Industrial Revolution era northern England during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Ludd was long believed to have been a textile...
Dans votre rapport « Sport mondialisé : les défis de la gouvernance », vous expliquez que, pendant de longues années, la féminisation du sport a été une question volontairement laissée de côté par les instances gouvernantes. La pratique sportive féminine date des années 1920, qu’est-ce qui explique que cette question...
Urban, regional, and national movements around the world have long used sport to sustain and promote their identities. Large cities and regions regularly develop flagship clubs in major international sports and host regional and international events like the Olympic Games, at least partially to promote their identity in the eyes...
There have been several periods during recent Western history when slogan t-shirts were de rigueur amongst both public figures and people in general. Back in the late sixties tie-die t-shirts were commonplace, upon which were emblazoned messages such as ‘Make Love, Not War’. Fast forward to the mid-1980s, and slogan...