Mais ce rapprochement franco-allemand a davantage été le fruit d’une convergence momentanée d’intérêts que l’expression d’un vrai projet politique et économique commun, comme l’a d’ailleurs ensuite montré le refus poli d’Angela Merkel de la proposition franco-britannique d’une fiscalité spécifique sur les bonus. En tout cas, il ne saurait dissimuler le...
What Kind of Change for Africa?: U.S. Policy in Africa under the Obama Administration
By Laura White, Research Assistant, IRIS
Par Frédéric Debomy, président d’Info-Birmanie
Frédéric Debomy, président d’Info-Birmanie, répond à nos questions : – Par des lois récentes, Aung San Suu Kyi a été interdite de candidature et menacée d’expulsion de la Ligue Nationale pour la Démocratie. Comment se positionne désormais la Ligue face aux élections à venir ? – Quelle est la place...
Par George Kleuser, Assistant research fellow, IRIS
Interpreting Mr. Morin’s statements are not as evident as might seem: were they truly an appeal for fair competition or an effective marking of boundaries of respective commercial interests? Moreover, should France let questionable American procurement practices for the air-refueling tankers quietly pass, is the message to the Americans that...
Par Romain Bartolo, assistant de recherche à l’IRIS
Le massacre de Maguindanao : reflet des maux de la politique clanique Le massacre du 23 novembre 2009 a soulevé une vive indignation aux Philippines mais aussi au sein de l’opinion internationale. Pour la première fois, une milice privée – celle d’Andal Ampatuan Junior, maire de Datu Unsay – s’en...
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Croatia under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
by Ana-Maria Boromisa, Research Fellow and Member of the Management Board, Institute of International Relations, Zagreb
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Croatia under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
by Ana-Maria Boromisa, Research Fellow and Member of the Management Board, Institute of International Relations, Zagreb
On imagine mal la Chine laisser faire. Pourtant, il ne semble pas y avoir, pour l’instant, de signes forts. L’ambassadeur Huntsman a été convoqué et sermonné, mais c’est habituel. Les mesures annoncées contre les entreprises américaines tardent à se manifester. Il y a bien eu en décembre des ventes massives...
Par Jacques Stoufflet, chargé de cours de master à l’IEP de Grenoble sur la mondialisation de l’information
Retentissement éditorial Dès lors que tout un chacun a accès à l’information, il pourrait être sans conséquence que telle ou telle chaîne d’information internationale offre une meilleure couverture d’un événement. En réalité, les moyens que peut déployer une rédaction ont aussi un retentissement éditorial. Ce qui se joue auprès des...
Il revient en effet à la présidence espagnole d’essuyer les plâtres de la nouvelle architecture institutionnelle, conséquence de l’approbation du traité intergouvernemental de Lisbonne. Cette situation génératrice d’incertitudes et d’ajustements va mobiliser ses différents protagonistes, européens comme espagnols. Il sera en effet difficile, indépendamment de la bonne volonté des différents...
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Kosovo (under unscr 1244/99) under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr Denisa Kostovicova is Lecturer in Global Politics at Government Department and Research Fellow at LSE Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science, the United Kingdom.
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Montenegro under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr. Jens Bastian is Senior Economic Research Fellow for South East Europe at ELIAMEP (Hellenic Foundation for Foreign & European Policy) in Athens, Greece. Between 2005 and 2008 he held the position of Economist/Institution Building at the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) in Thessaloniki, Greece. E-mail: jbastian@eliamep.gr
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Turkey under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr. Senem Aydin Düzgit, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Istanbul Bilgi University Prof. Dr. Ayan Kaya, Professor of International Relations and the Director of the European Institute at Istanbul Bilgi University
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Albania under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr. Jens Bastian is a Senior Economic Research Fellow for South East Europe at ELIAMEP (Hellenic Foundation for Foreign & European Policy) in Athens, Greece
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Bosnia – Herzegovina under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Peter Brezáni is an analyst at the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association within the programmes Central and South-Eastern Europe and Economic and Development Policy
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr. Nadège Ragaru is a CNRS researcher at Sciences Po-CERI, Paris, and teaches at Sciences Po-Paris
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Kosovo (under unscr 1244/99) under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr Denisa Kostovicova is Lecturer in Global Politics at Government Department and Research Fellow at LSE Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science, the United Kingdom.
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Montenegro under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr. Jens Bastian is Senior Economic Research Fellow for South East Europe at ELIAMEP (Hellenic Foundation for Foreign & European Policy) in Athens, Greece. Between 2005 and 2008 he held the position of Economist/Institution Building at the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) in Thessaloniki, Greece. E-mail: jbastian@eliamep.gr
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Serbia under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
by Tomáš Strážay, Head of the research programme Central and South-eastern Europe at the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association.
Analysis of the european commission proposal for 2011-2013 national indicative programme for Armenia
By Dr, Gaidz MINASSIAN, Researcher, Group of Political Analysis of the Université Paris Ouest, Lecturer at Sciences-Po Paris.
Analysis of the european commission proposal for 2011-13 national indicative programme for Azerbaijan
Dr. Leila ALIEVA, Director of Center for National and International Studies, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Analysis of the european commission proposal for 2011-13 national indicative programme for Georgia
Dr. Laure DELCOUR, Senior Research Fellow, IRIS, Direction of European Affairs, Ecole Nationale d’Administration - Dr. Thornike GORDADZE (Co-author), Director of the South Caucasus Department, French Institute of Anatolian Studies
Analysis of the 2009 annual programme for Turkey under the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) in the context of the 2009 enlargement package
Dr. Senem Aydin Düzgit, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Istanbul Bilgi University Prof. Dr. Ayan Kaya, Professor of International Relations and the Director of the European Institute at Istanbul Bilgi University