Sport and Geopolitics

Whether used as a way to exert influence or as an economic, political, or even cultural tool, sport has become a key component of international relations. Through its Sport Programme, IRIS provides insight and analysis into the growing impact of international sport. The Institute carries out work in this field on behalf of French, European Union and international sports bodies.

Interview with James Dorsey, journalist, a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, author of the blog "The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer", led by Carole Gomez from IRIS and Professor Simon Chadwick from emlyon business school
GeoSport is a home for intelligent, value-adding content on geopolitics and sport, providing informed, expert analyses onf contemporary issues. The key focus of the content will be around diplomacy; international relations; nation branding; politics and soft power, and the link...
New ‘GeoSport’ platform launched by IRIS and emlyon business school
Athlete Activism from Black Power in 1968 to Today’s Black Lives Matter
Interview with Dr Douglas Hartmann, Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota researching on race, sport and culture. Conducted by Estelle Brun, Research Assistant at IRIS
Playing games in the Gulf: how GCC Nations use Sport to build power and position
Interview with Simon Chadwick, Professor and Director of Eurasian Sport at EM Lyon. Conducted by Estelle Brun, Research Assistant at IRIS.
Football, Diplomacy and Identity Politics in the Middle East and North Africa
Interview with Dr Mahfoud Amara, Director of Sport Science Program and Associate Professor in Sport Management and Policy at Qatar University. Conducted by Estelle Brun, Research Assistant at IRIS
Spain’s red flags: Media Representations of the Nation(s) following La Roja’s Victory in the 2010 World Cup
by Estelle Brun, Research Assistant at IRIS
Globalised Hoops: The NBA and International Relations
Interview with Dr Lindsay Sarah Krasnoff, Writer and Historian of International Sports, Author of The Making of Les Bleus: Sport in France, 1958-2010. Conducted by Estelle BRUN, Research Assistant at IRIS
Golf Politics: The Social Role of the Game in the United States and Beyond
Interview with Orin Starn, Professor of cultural anthropology and history at Duke University and author of The Passion of Tiger Woods : an anthropologist reports on golf, race, and celebrity scandal (2011). Conducted by Estelle Brun, Research Assistant at IRIS
A new Erasmus Plus Sport Project: SEE countries for the Integrity of football clubs
Sport for Gender Equality: the potential of Sport for Social Inclusion recognised during the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs’ 2020 Week for Equality
by Estelle Brun, Research Assistant at IRIS
EPOSM project tackles non-betting-related match-fixing
Interview with Toni Llop, Partner Director of Eurofitness, about Grassroots Sport Diplomacy
Interview with Silvija Mitevska, President of TAKT, about Grassroots Sport Diplomacy
Senior Research Fellow at IRIS, Head of the "Sport and Geopolitics" Programme
Lukas Aubin

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 77
Pascal Boniface
Director of IRIS
Lukas Aubin
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Sport and Geopolitics Programme
Carole Gomez
Associate Research Fellow
Pim Verschuuren
Associate Research Fellow
H.E.R.O Project
H.E.R.O project's main objective is to respect, protect and promote athletes’ human rights in sport by supporting sport bodies in developing appropriate and effective strategies and mechanisms to prevent athletes’ human rights violations on one hand and respond to cases of abuse.
En savoir plus
Geostrategic Observatory on Sport
Towards an EU Sport Diplomacy (TES-D)
SEE-I is an Erasmus+ Sport Project. It explores the structural weaknesses of football clubs in 3 countries (Romania, Bulgaria and Greece) by looking at 3 main threats: corruption, match-fixing and doping.
Sport and Geopolitics is a rapidly growing concern for the academic study of sport and politics. IRIS and emlyon business school collaborate on publishing timely, value-adding content that provides intelligent, informed analyses of contemporary issues in geopolitics and sport.
SEE countries for the integrity of football clubs (SEE-I)
SEE-I is an Erasmus+ Sport Project. It explores the structural weaknesses of football clubs in 3 countries (Romania, Bulgaria and Greece) by looking at 3 main threats: corruption, match-fixing and doping.
EPOSM – Evidence-based Prevention Of Sporting-related Match-fixing
EPOSM project is a Erasmus+ collaborative partnership between academic and on-the-field organisations which studies sporting-related match-fixing in different sport disciplines on a European level and organizes tailor-made training sessions.
FAIRES – Enhance good practices on refugees social inclusion through sport
IRIS, with France Terre d'asile and the IDF Badminton League, pilot the FAIRES Programme, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. Its aim is to provide good practices on refugees social inclusion through sport.
GrassRoots Sport diplomacy
IRIS is partnering ISCA on this brand new project, co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. Its aim is to explore grassroots sport diplomacy.
« Fix the Fixing » Programme
IRIS is partnering the “Fix the Fixing" research programme, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). It is designed to combat fixed games in all sports and at all levels.
#PreCrimBet – Preventing the criminal risks linked to the sport betting market
The intent of the programme, funded by European Commission, has been to identify, analyse and evaluate the criminal risks linked to the sports betting activity.
En savoir plus
They trust us
  • European Commission
  • Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégiques
  • Française des Jeux
  • The European lotteries
  • Centre d'analyse, de prévision et de stratégie, ministère des Affaires étrangères
  • International sport and aculture association (ISCA)
  • Université de Thessalonique
  • Paris 2024