Climate, Energy and Security

The IRIS’s Climate, Energy, Security Programme analyses the geopolitical and security issues of climate change and energy transition. This programme is structured around the Observatory of Climate Change Impacts on Defense and Security, led on behalf of the DGRIS of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, and the GENERATE Project (Renewable Energies Geopolitics and Future Studies on Energy Transition), jointly managed with the Ifpen, and supported by the French National Research Agency.


The World Climate and Security Report 2022 : Decarbonized Defense the Need for Clean Military Power in the Age of Climate Change
By the Expert Group of the International Military Council on Climate and Security, in collaboration with the Center for Climate and Security, Council on Strategic Risks, the Clingendael Institute, the Hague Center for Strategic Studies and IRIS.
La navigation en Arctique en 2021 : le moteur des ressources extractives
Par Frédéric Lasserre, professeur de géographie à l’Université de Laval (Québec), directeur du Conseil québécois d’études géopolitiques (CQEG)
Webinaire organisé dans le cadre de l’Observatoire de la sécurité des flux et des matières énergétiques, mené pour le compte de la Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS) du ministère des Armées, l’IRIS, Enerdata et Cassini. Restitution du rapport n°11.
Webinaire organisé dans le cadre de l’Observatoire de la sécurité des flux et des matières énergétiques, mené pour le compte de la Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS) du ministère des Armées, l’IRIS, Enerdata et Cassini....
How to explain: Australia’s lagging Climate Policy
by Fiona Hurrey, CS2P Member. Article published as part of a collaboration between the Climate Security & Peace Project (CS2P) of the NGO Climates and the Climate, Energy and Security Program of IRIS.
Senior Research Fellow at IRIS, Head of the Climate, Energy and Security Programme
Julia Tasse

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 84
Julia Tasse
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Climate, Energy and Security Programme
Emmanuel Hache
Senior Research Fellow
Marine de Guglielmo Weber
Research Fellow
Frédéric Jeannin
Research Fellow
Sami Ramdani
Research Fellow at IRIS
Francis Perrin
Senior Research Fellow
Teva Meyer
Associate Research Fellow
Guillaume Pitron
Associate Research Fellow
Sébastien Abis
Associate Research Fellow
Luca Baccarini
Associate Research Fellow
Marine Simoën
Associate Research Fellow
Sofia Kabbej
Associate Research Fellow
Julien Laurent
Associate Research Fellow
Laurent Giacobbi
Associate Research Fellow
Éléonore Duffau
Research Fellow
Observatory of Climate Change Impacts on Defense and Security
Headed by Bastien Alex and François Gemenne financed by the DGRIS (French Ministry of Defence), this four-year project aims to better understand correlations between climate change and conflicts
More in French
GENERATE (Renewable Energies Geopolitics and Future Studies on Energy Transition) is a two years research project (2018-2020) on the Geopolitics of Renewable Energy, on behalf of the French National Research Agency, in a consortium with IFP Energies Nouvelles.
They trust us
  • French Ministry of Defence
  • French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
  • Région Île-de-France
  • EDF
  • Engie
  • Natixis
  • ANR
  • AGPB