Defence and Security Industry

The Defence and Security Industry Programme seeks to provide information to policymakers, industry officials and the general public on defence and armament issues and security technology. The Programme studies the broad outlook and trends in this field. It draws notably on the Armament Industry European Research Group (ARES Group) network.

Defence innovation: New models and procurement implications. The Estonian Case
By Tomas Jermalavicius, Head of studies at the International Center for Defence and Security (ICDS) and former Deputy Director of the Defence Policy and Planning Department of the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence, and Martin Hurt, Research fellow at ICDS, former Undersecretary for defence investments at the Estonian MoD.

What scope for EU-US Defence Industrial Cooperation in the 2020s?
The European Defence Fund and Space: Added Values and Priorities
by Paul Weissenberg, Former Deputy Director General at European Commission and Member of the Air and Space Academy, and Xavier Pasco, Director of the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS)
Présence des « mafias » en France : état des lieux et perspectives
Par Gaëtan Gorce, chercheur associé à l'IRIS et co-directeur de l'ObsCI, et Michel Gandilhon, spécialiste des questions liées au trafics de drogues illicites, membre du Conseil d'orientation scientifique de l'ObsCI.
Defence Innovation: New Models and Procurement Implications. The British Case
par Trevor Taylor, Professorial Research Fellow, Defence, Industries and Society, RUSI
Linking PESCO and EDF: Mechanisms and Political Choices
Defence Innovation: New Models and Procurement Implications. The Finnish Case
by Charly Salonius-Pasternak, Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Defence Innovation: New Models and Procurement Implications. The Italian Case
by Alessandro Marrone, Head of Defence Programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali, and Andrea Gilli, Senior Researcher, NATO Defense College, Affiliate at the Centre for International Security and Cooperation
Defence Innovation: New Models and Procurement Implications. The French Case
Defence Innovation: New Models and Procurement Implications. The Spanish Case
by Carlos Martí Sempere
National Expectations regarding the European Defence Fund: The Greek Perspective
By Yvonni-Stefania Efstathiou, European External Action Service
The (R)evolution of Defence Innovation Models: Rationales and Consequences
By Prof. Dr. Valérie Merindol, Professor of Innovation, and Prof. Dr. David W. Versailles, Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation Studies, Paris School of Business
Senior Research Fellow at IRIS, Head of the Defense and Security Programme
Gaspard Schnitzler

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Gaspard Schnitzler
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Defence and Security Industry Programme
Jean-Pierre Maulny
Deputy Director
Federico Santopinto
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Europe, Strategy and Security Programme
Louise Souverbie
Research Fellow
Olivier de France
Senior Research Fellow
Pascal Dupont
Associate Research Fellow
Patrick Charaix
Associate Research Fellow
Fabrice Debbasch
Associate Research Fellow
Philippe Steininger
Associate Research Fellow
They trust us
  • French Ministry of Defence
  • European Defence Agency
  • European Commission
  • Airbus Group
  • MBDA
  • Naval Group
  • Dassault Aviation
  • Nexter