
The Asia-Pacific region is the focus of considerable attention because of its economic influence, its demographic weight and the number of political, strategic and security challenges it faces. IRIS’ Asia‑Pacific Programme seeks to understand major trends in the region while also providing in-depth analysis of its countries and the specific issues they face.

Où va l’Iran ?
Entretien avec Mohammad-Reza Djalili et Thierry Kellner, réalisé par Emmanuel Lincot
Quand la Chine investit dans les infrastructures
Seasonal Migrations of Marginalized (Tribal) Communities in Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan: Foresight Analysis and Scenarios by 2020
By the Inter-Agency Regional Analysts Network
Security and Energy Security in the Black Sea Region
by Arnaud DUBIEN, Director of Research, IRIS, Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques, Jordi VAQUER I FANÉS, Director, CIDOB, the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs
Senior Research Fellow
Barthélémy Courmont

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Barthélémy Courmont
Senior Research Fellow, Head of Asia-Pacific Programme
Marianne Péron-Doise
Associate Research Fellow, Director of the Indo-Pacific Geopolitical Observatory
Emmanuel Lincot
Associate Research Fellow
Jean-Vincent Brisset
Associate Research Fellow
Emmanuel Hache
Senior Research Fellow
Pierrick Le Jeune
Associate Research Fellow
They trust us
  • French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development
  • French Ministry of Defence
  • Gabriel Péri Foundation
  • Asialyst