Mathilde Jourde
French Version
Chercheuse à l'IRIS

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Mathilde Jourde

Mathilde Jourde is a research fellow at IRIS in the Climate, Energy and Security Program. As part of this program, she is also a researcher for the Defence and Climate Observatory, a project funded by the French Ministry of Armed Forces.


Her research focuses mainly on the interaction between the environment and security, in particular the security risks related to climate change. She is specialized in natural resource-related conflicts, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the geopolitics of the energy transition.


Mathilde Jourde also teaches at IRIS Sup’, the IRIS School of Applied Geopolitics, as part of the Diplôme d’études fondamentales en Relations internationales (bac+4 level).


Before joining IRIS, she worked as a decarbonization consultant, focusing mainly on developing strategies for companies to advise them in their low-carbon transition.


She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and History from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a master’s degree in Sustainable Development and Social Innovation from HEC Paris.