Marie-Cécile Naves
French Version
Directrice de recherche à l'IRIS

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Marie-Cécile Naves

Marie-Cécile Naves is senior research fellow at IRIS avec Director of the Gender and Geopolitics Observatory.


Marie-Cecile Naves holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Paris Dauphine, and has done a post-doctoral research in Information and Communication and Sciences for the House of Human Sciences foundation in Paris. She has written several publications on the United States, notably about the American right-wing parties, and she also works on gender and gender equality issues, education and youth policies, and the socio-political issues in sports.


She is now the general delegate of France Universités (French Rectors’ Conference).


Before being adviser to Najat Vallaud-Belkacem’s cabinet in the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research between 2015 and 2017, she had been Project Manager for France Stratégie (former Plan Commission) between 2010 and 2015, where she co-wrote and supervised several reports for the government or the French President, including “Quelle France dans 10 ans ?” in 2014, “Lutter contre les stéréotypes filles-garçons : un enjeu d’égalité et de mixité dès l’enfance” in 2014, “Reconnaître, valoriser, encourager l’engagement des jeunes” in 2015, or “Quelle action publique pour demain ?” in 2015.


She co-wrote the report “Un plan pour co-construire une société apprenante” (Plan to co-build a learning society) for the government in 2018, and designed various MOOCs, including “Towards a Learning Planet” and “Learning Planet”.


She has been teaching in business schools and colleges since 1999.


Marie-Cécile Naves is a Member of the Ordre des Palmes académiques.


More information about her books, articles and conferences is available on her personal website: