Jean-Marc Vigilant
French Version
Chercheur associé

Jean-Marc Vigilant

Jean-Marc Vigilant is an Associate Research Fellow at IRIS, specializing in defense issues.


Founder and Chairman of BeVigilant, he advises CEOs of innovative companies with high growth potential in emerging, disruptive and strategic sectors, to develop their activities, including internationally.


President of the EuroDéfense-France association, he also puts his operational and international experience at the service of European institutions.


A general officer in the French Air and Space Force, Jean-Marc Vigilant is a graduate of the French Air and Space Force Academy, holds diplomas from the French and Spanish War Colleges, and is an auditor at the NATO Defense College in Rome.


Previously Director of the War College in Paris, he adapted the training of future military leaders to the changing strategic environment and new domains of warfare, while strengthening the college’s international and European dimension.

In the course of his military career, he has held a wide range of responsibilities, mainly on a joint basis and in an international context, most often at the strategic level in the politico-military field, advising senior French and allied civilian and military authorities. In particular, he served as an exchange officer in the Spanish Ministry of Defense and as Executive Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander for Transformation (SACT), NATO’s highest military authority in the United States.


At operational level, a fighter pilot by trade, with over 3,000 flying hours and 90 combat missions to his credit, he commanded the 3/33 « Lorraine » fighter squadron in Reims, the 102 « Capitaine Guynemer » air base and the Dijon joint defense base. He also took part in numerous missions and operations in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia, and more recently in the Middle East, where he was the French Senior National Representative responsible for the French armed forces involved in the international coalition in Iraq and Syria, and Director of Civil-Military operations of the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve.


French Air and Space Force Major General Jean-Marc Vigilant is an Officer of the Legion of Honor and Commander of the National Order of Merit.