Camille Boulenguer
French Version
Chercheuse à l'IRIS

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Camille Boulenguer

Camille Boulenguer is an economist, and Research Fellow at IRIS. Her work is situated at the confluence between industrial economy and taxation, and questions the interweaving between legal economy and illegal economy (tax evasion, money laundering, corruption). Her research interests focus on the challenges and evolution of illicit economic practices with the arrival of new technologies (artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, robotics).


She is also in co-charge of the Geoeconomics, Risk Management and Corporate Responsibility course at IRIS Sup’.


Camille Boulenguer is a PhD student in Economics at the Université Picardie Jules Verne. She also holds two master’s degrees: one in Economics (Paris Dauphine University) and the other in Economic Intelligence (Gustave Eiffel University).