Brahim Oumansour
French Version
Chercheur associé à l'IRIS, directeur de l'Observatoire du Maghreb

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Brahim Oumansour

A consultant in geopolitics and global strategy, Dr. Brahim Oumansour is an Associate Research Fellow at the French institute for international and strategic affairs (IRIS), where he leads the Maghreb Observatory. He also currently lectures as an expert in global strategy at IRIS Sup’ Masters’ degrees in Defense, Security and Crisis Management, and in Geopolitics and Prospective.


He also lectures in Comparing Political Systems at Université Paris-Est Créteil


His main field of research concerns the Maghreb’s geopolitics, and the MENA region in general. He focuses on public diplomacy and the rôle of non-governmental players (NGOs, unions, lobbies, multinational companies, etc.), about issues mostly related to terrorism and conflict management.


Brahim Oumansour has published both in French and international academic journals. He is also regularly invited to speak both as a consultant and lecturer by various institutions and various French and foreign media.