Jeff Hawkins
English Version
Chercheur associé à l'IRIS, Ambassadeur des États-Unis

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Jeff Hawkins

Ancien diplomate américain, Jeff Hawkins est chercheur associé à l’IRIS et enseignant basé à Paris.


Pendant sa carrière au Département d’Etat américain, il a notamment été ambassadeur des États-Unis à Bangui en Centrafrique et Consul général à Lagos au Nigéria. Il a également travaillé en Europe, en Afrique, et en Asie.  Il est actuellement maître de conférences à Sciences Po et paraît régulièrement dans les médias français.


Jeff Hawkins a une maîtrise en relations internationales de l’University of Southern California et un Bachelors en histoire de l’University of California, Berkeley.

On October 12, President Biden released his National Security Strategy. It is available here. What is a “national security strategy”? Mandated by law, the strategy is each new administration’s foundational foreign policy document. The strategy sets a tone for America’s international relations and gives readers a sense for a president’s...
The month of October 1962 saw several international crises and events that would normally be of deep concern to a US president. Most notably, a simmering border dispute between China and India went red hot, with 30 000 troops of the People’s Liberation Army moving deep into Indian-claimed territory. The...
As anyone with access to the internet knows, FBI agents conducted a search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence on August 8.  Based on the information released by the US Justice Department – including the original search warrant and a highly redacted affidavit presented to a federal court –...
On November 8, American voters will go to the polls in what are termed “mid-term” congressional elections.  The seats of all the members of the House of Representatives and of a third of senators are at stake. While US presidents traditionally play a predominant role in the making of foreign...
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Politique étrangère des États-Unis